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This event has been rescheduled to March 8, 2025.

Christiana Foglio DC'84 Career Conference

Building Confidence, Direction, & Purpose: A Professional Engagement Conference

Saturday, March 8, 2025, 9:30 AM - 3:45 PM, Trayes Hall, Douglass Student Center

Every year, the BOLD Center hosts a career conference to empower students through career planning, discuss topics related to Women in Work, and meet women professionals in a variety of industries to share their wealth of knowledge. Learn tips and tools for building your personal brand, elevating your resume, and the best ways to make your mark as a rising professional. Come to learn and apply your knowledge!

There will be food, exciting raffles, and networking opportunities. Stay the day and increase your chances to win a free laptop! 

This event counts for Knowledge & Power event credit and towards your Career Pathways requirement.


Speakers and Sponsors

Hover or tap to learn more about today's speakers!

Chris Foglio

Christiana Foglio DC'84, Sponsor

Christiana Foglio is all about impact investing–finding creative ways to merge public funding and private capital to invest in making communities better. Her motto is to not only do well, but do good. With over 30 years of experience in the private and public sectors, she specializes in building senior & multi-family housing that reflects each community’s vision. She founded Community Investment Strategies and has grown her company’s portfolio to include more than 3,200 apartment rental units valued at over $600 million.

Collaborative Community Engagement

The Collaborative Center for Community Engagement at Rutgers University

The Collaborative Center for Community Engagement at Rutgers University connects faculty, and staff each year to community partners in New Brunswick and beyond through in-depth placements and projects involving policy research, access to education, health, language, and the arts, to name a few. 

RU Student on laptop

Career Exploration and Success

Rutgers Career Exploration and Success (CES) is committed to assisting students make connections between their academic experience and career paths. CES provides career-related resources and programs to help students discover themselves, explore careers, develop skills through experiential opportunities, and pursue post-graduate goals.

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Douglass Residential College - BOLD Center

The BOLD Center for Leadership, Career, and Personal Development is an exciting initiative that positions Douglass students for excellence in work and life by providing an innovative and enriching set of leadership, mentoring, career, and personal development programs. The BOLD Center programs help students to clarify their academic and career goals, connect with role models whose lives and work are exemplary, and prepare for success in their personal and professional lives.

Registration and Welcome!  

9:30 AM - 10:50 AM

Check-in and Welcome

Head into into Trayes Hall for a welcome!

Resume Tips and Tricks – Career Exploration and Success  

Breakout Session 1  

11:00 AM - 11:55 AM

Elevating your Experience through Community Engagement - Collaborative Center (Douglass Lounge)  

The National Association for College and Employers (2024) lists Initiative and Interpersonal Skills (ability to connect with others) as two of the top attributes that employers seek out in candidates. In this breakout, you will learn how community engagement creates a high impact skill set and how to effectively translate these experiences when connecting with employers. 

Utilizing AI for your Resume – Career Exploration and Success (Meeting Room C)  

Begin building your professional resume through AI Program, Big Interview. In this session hosted by CES, advisors will explain the program, simulate resume creation, and offer in-person guidance on developing your own! Please bring your laptops. 


How Mentorship Influences Career Trajectory: A Panel Discussion (NJC Lounge)  

Hear from current students and graduates of Douglass Residential College about the importance of mentorship. After participating in DRC and Rutgers career programs, this panel will discuss how experiences with mentors have influenced career pathways, including professional roles, graduate school, and other ventures! 

Lunch and Keynote

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Trayes Hall

From Stress to Success, BOLD Guidance for Next Steps, Jeffrey Kuc 

Breakout Session 2

1:10 PM - 2:00 PM

Choose from the following panels:

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership – Andrea Sarko (Douglass Lounge) 

BOLD Minded – Katherine Scrivani (NJC Lounge)   

Hosted by the BOLD Center, the team will discuss insights that are key to your professional journey. Come learn how to increase employability, create goals, and ask questions about next steps for your career pathway.

Conference Fun!

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Trayes Hall

Headshot Service

Raffle Prizes Draw

A Message From Our Sponsor

Thank you for participating in the Christiana Foglio DC'84 Douglass Career Conference. We hope that your day was filled with practical content to further enhance your professional experiences and career development. We encourage you to continue to connect with professionals, campus partners, and the BOLD Center & Career Pathways at Douglass Residential College. Learn more about our opportunities at 

Special Thanks

  • Christiana Foglio DC'84 
  • Kristin Long DC’78
  • Rutgers Career Exploration and Success 
  • Rutgers Collaborative Center for Community Engagement 
  • Katherine Scrivani 
  • Douglass Barbara Voorhees Mentors 
  • Douglass Externs