Your Home on Douglass
Commuters are an integral part of our community. Douglass is committed to fostering your success and inclusion in college life.
Commuter Life at Douglass
- The Douglass campus is home to one of the reserved lounges for commuter students at Rutgers. Located in the Douglass Student Center, this space is yours. Connect with Douglass’ vibrant community of nonresidential students, take a break between classes, and create your community on campus.
Living-Learning Communities
- Commuter students are encouraged to participate in the full range of Douglass programming, including living-learning communities such as the Global Village.
The Beehive: Douglass Off-campus and Commuter Students
- This student-led and student-run organization hosts numerous events throughout the year, including rush hour study hours and Friendsgiving, to encourage commuting students to remain connected and actively involved on campus.