Get Your Foot in the Door!
The Reilly Program at the BOLD Center at Douglass for Advancing Women's Professional Development offers a specialized professional development curriculum alongside an immersive workplace experience known as an externship. Through multidisciplinary real-world problems, exposure to global trends, new forms of organizational development, and innovative forms of leadership, the Reilly Program at the BOLD Center at Douglass advances the career preparation and vision of Douglass students.
What is an externship?
An externship is an immersive workplace experience lasting one-two weeks in which students are mentored by a professional in their area of interest.
Participating in this job shadowing experience allows students to work on projects, learn about the status of women in the workplace, and get an inside glimpse into the day-to-day work life of a particular career. Meeting people on the job also helps to build a professional network. Many externship site mentors are Douglass alumnae who care deeply about the success of current Douglass students, provide valuable advice and guidance, and even may be willing to serve as professional references.
Accordion Content
The Reilly Program at the BOLD Center at Douglass offers currently enrolled Douglass students of all years the opportunity to complete an externship.
As a site mentor, you can be the first step in helping a Douglass student prepare for the career of their dreams. Site mentors introduce students to the industry and may assign them small projects to complete. Becoming a site mentor also allows you and your company to focus on your recruitment goals–your Douglass extern may become your next best employee!
- Who runs the Reilly Program at the BOLD Center at Douglass?
- The team of educational professionals at Douglass Residential College and site mentors—many of whom are Douglass alumnae—run the Reilly Program at the BOLD Center at Douglass and bring expertise to enhance the learning experience for participants.
- What type of experience will the job shadowing (externship) component of the program offer to me?
- The Reilly Program at the BOLD Center at Douglass offers currently enrolled Douglass Residential College students opportunities to shadow a career professional (for a one or two week time period) and be mentored by a professional (most often an alumna) in your area of interest or a career that you would like to learn more about. You can find out about your externship options on the website by using a searchable database of available externship sites and an online application process. You will receive a comprehensive set of programs designed to help you assess your goals, strengths, areas of interests, and areas of growth.
- I am a first-year student. Can I take part in the job shadowing (externship) component of the Reilly Program at the BOLD Center at Douglass?
- Yes! First-year students, along with all DRC students, are encouraged to apply for the program. Preference will be given to students who need help clarifying their academic and career goals. Applying for an externship provides valuable practice in career skills such as resume building and interviewing, since all students who apply will be given an interview and must submit a resume.
- I will be graduating in January. Can I participate in in the job shadowing (externship) component of the Reilly Program at the BOLD Center at Douglass during spring break right after I graduate?
- Only current Douglass Residential College students are eligible to take part in the job shadowing component of the Reilly Program at the BOLD Center at Douglass. All DRC students are urged to take part before they graduate. Participation leads to experience and professional connections that can open doors for you in your search for full-time employment or in your plans for graduate or professional school.
- I am a Rutgers student, but I am not a member of Douglass Residential College. Can I participate in the job shadowing (externship) component of the Reilly Program at the BOLD Center at Douglass?
- The Reilly Program at the BOLD Center at Douglass is open only to currently enrolled members of Douglass Residential College. If you would like to enroll in DRC, please email us at discoverdouglass@echo.rutgers.edu. Enrollment is easy and has many benefits, such as the option to participate in the Reilly Program at the BOLD Center at Douglass.
- What are the benefits for me, as a student, participating in the job shadowing (externship) component of the Reilly Program at the BOLD Center at Douglass?
- Shadowing a professional allows you to get an inside glimpse into the day-to-day work life in a particular career. By meeting people on the job, students can build a professional network. Many site mentors are Douglass alumnae who care deeply about the success of current Douglass students. Externship mentors often become personal mentors to their students, providing valuable advice and guidance, and they may be willing to serve as professional references when you enter the job market. You will also receive special workshops to sharpen your career skills. Students also develop their practical and networking skills on the job and through the application and interview process. Many students confirm their career path choices by seeing what it’s like to work in a specific job, some find that they need to rethink their plans, and others discover entirely new career possibilities that they had never considered!
- What materials do I need to apply to the job shadowing (externship) component of the Reilly Program at the BOLD Center at Douglass
- Make sure your resume is up to date and that it prominently lists Douglass Residential College.
- Need help? Make an appointment with your staff mentor or make an appointment with Career Exploration and Success through Handshake
- Get two professional references. Have you worked or volunteered before? Have you spoken to a staff member who can speak to your professionalism and career goals? Ask them if they can be your reference!
- Review all of the externship openings and pick your top 3 choices. Think about why you want the particular externships you’ve chosen. You will be asked to reflect on your choices in your application.
- Complete the online application when available
- Prep for your interview. All students will be interviewed by appointment.
- How will I travel to my site?
- It is important to consider how you will travel to and from the externship location and make sure to understand how much time it will take you to arrive on the job promptly every day. Interviewers will ask students to provide details on their transportation plans. The BOLD Center does offer travel stipends to cover the cost of expense like gas, tolls, train or bus fare, and other miscellaneous costs related to the externship.
- What is the difference between an externship and an internship?
- An externship is a short, intense, job shadowing experience that takes place over a one-to-two week period, typically when students are on break and can be on the job full time for that time period. Internships, typically, are longer-term experiences, usually over the course of a full semester or over the summer session. Sometimes internships can be for a full academic year.
- Will I be able to find a placement in my chosen career?
- Sites are available in a broad range of areas – STEM, policy, economic development, finance, public interest, women’s rights, etc. We are building the site list every day. Even if you don’t obtain a placement in the precise career you have in mind, completing an externship in a related field (or even in a workplace you would just like to learn more about) can still be an extremely valuable experience. The professional networks you can build and the practical and career skills you develop in an externship will serve you well no matter what you do. And you may even discover an exciting career path you never considered!
- I am a Douglass Residential College student. Am I guaranteed a placement?
- Placement is competitive. While we make every effort to see that as many DRC students as possible are placed in externships, placement is not guaranteed. If you do get placed, it may not be in your first choice. To maximize your chance of getting a placement, take care in preparing your resume, attend workshops, and don’t restrict the choices on your application—be adventurous and you might find a new career path that you love!
- Who runs the Reilly Program at the BOLD Center at Douglass?
Become a site mentor!
Douglass is always looking for more alumnae and friends to act as externship site mentors. Apply below!
Questions about the Reilly BOLD Program?

Andrea Sarko

Chrissy Oller
About the Reillys
This program is made possible thanks to a transformational gift from Stacey (DC’80) and Brian (ENG’80) Reilly. The Reilly's are passionate about advancing women’s professional development. Their contribution allows Douglass students to benefit from a more comprehensive and immersive experience that will educate and prepare them for careers of impact and distinction.