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Douglass Residential College
Students with Douglass Banners and Teddy Bears

Ready to take the next step?

Use the steps below to enroll now!

Enrollment Instructions:

    1. Accept your offer of admission to Rutgers–New Brunswick at
    2. Log into your portal and locate the ‘My Recommended for Enrollment’ list.
    3. Select ‘Douglass Residential College–for residents and commuters."
    4. Check 'I would like to enroll in Douglass Residential College' and submit.
    5. If you intend to live on campus, complete your housing application through the portal

    NOTE: Douglass Residential College residence halls and Living-Learning Communities are designated as single-gender housing for students who identify as women.

  • Already a Rutgers student? You can still enroll in Douglass! Click here to fill out the following form in order to apply!